• Provide release time for employees to tutor, mentor, or read to students.
  • Serve on a School Advisory Council.
  • Provide incentives for students who have great attendance, grades, attitude, or who have shown improvement.
  • Donate used equipment or surplus materials.
  • Serve as judges for various events, e.g. science fair, spelling bees, etc.
  • Sponsor a school beautification project with materials or volunteers.
  • Provide display space for student artwork.
  • Serve as a guest speaker on career awareness or special interest topics.
  • Sponsor special programs or school clubs.
  • Collect school supplies, canned goods, or personal hygiene items.
  • Assist with school fundraising activities.
  • Participate in school events.
  • Provide recognition to teachers and support personnel.
  • Sponsor contests in art, writing, reading, etc.
  • Sponsor needy families at holiday times.